Wondering how to wrap a football? You’re not the only one.
Wrapping presents is never an easy job but with strange shapes like, you know, footballs, it’s even harder!
Thankfully our experts have been wrapping football accessories as presents for years, so they know all the tips and tricks! In this blog, we'll share all our best advice to help you wrap your football in a way that looks professional!
How to Wrap a Football in 7 Simple Steps
Before we begin, premier league footballs can range in size so please keep this in mind before following our instructions.
There are just eight simple steps to follow to wrap a football like a pro. So, grab your gift wrapping essentials, and let’s begin!
Measure Your Wrapping Paper
Just like with any present wrapping, the first step is to measure your paper. Simply pop the ball in the middle of your paper and measure around the ball, leaving enough space to fold over each other so there are no gaps.
Fold the Paper and Tape in Place
Now you know how much wrapping paper you need to wrap your football, it’s time to turn to the tape! Simply fold your paper down each edge of the paper so it lies flat. Then tape together the open edge so it’s only open at the top and bottom.
Fold the Bottom Into Shape
Next up, we’re going to create a flat surface for the bottom of the parcel. Fold the bottom of the paper up on itself to create a rectangle. And then it gets a little complicated…
You need to open up the rectangle and then fold it in on itself so it makes a diamond. Then fold down the top point so it makes a flat edge and sellotape this in place. Do the same on the bottom point so that you have two flat edges with pointy sides.
Pop in the Football
Now you’ve created a flat surface, you can add your football and it will stay in place! Carefully place it in the bag so you don’t rip the paper - there should be enough room in the make-shift bag so it can fit in there snugly, but not too tight.
Secure The Final Edge
The previous instruction has meant that you can now stand up your football gift without it rolling away! This makes it far easier for you to close up the top edge. You can do this by simply folding the excess paper over to create a neat final edge.
Sellotape the Top
Once you have secured the final edge and you are happy with how it looks, you can sellotape the edge so it is secured into place.
It’s Time to Decorate!
Now your football is all wrapped up, it’s time to decorate! There are a multitude of different ways to decorate your gift including:
- Ribbons
- Bows
- Gift tags
No matter how you choose to decorate, it’s sure to look baller!
How to Choose the Right Wrapping Materials for Footballs
So, now you know how to wrap a football, let’s turn our attention to the different types of wrapping materials available.
Of course, you can use the traditional wrapping paper - a tried and tested method. You could choose to wrap your football in football-themed wrapping paper or a more generic design, like stars or stripes, to keep the element of surprise.
Cellophane wrap is also an option if you want them to recognise their gift instantly. Or, to make things even more easier, you can always choose a gift bag.
No Matter How You Wrap Your Gift, They’re Sure to Love a Football from MysteryFootball!
Those are our seven simple steps to follow to wrap your football like a seasoned professional.
Not sure where to get your football? You’ve come to the right place. We are partnered with the likes of Nike and Puma for football shirts and, you guessed it, footballs!
You can buy them individually, or you can choose one of our Mystery Ball Boxes to make it easier for yourself! Each box contains a size-five football that comes from any league, competition, and season. The balls come flat-packed in our custom boxes which are easy to gift wrap.
We’ve helped over 100,000 happy customers, will you be next?
Hear from One of Our Happy Customers
Craig ordered one of our mystery boxes and was so happy with the experience that he gave MysteryFootball five stars on Trustpilot!
source: https://uk.trustpilot.com/users/661fd4be6c01e50012f6f6f8
There really is nowhere better to build out your football collection. Shop with MysteryFootball today.